The Health Physics Centre (HPC) is headed by a center manager with well-trained and competent staff and has five units, namely: Personnel Dosimetry Laboratory (PDL), Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL), Non-Ionizing Radiation Unit, Equipment repair and maintenance Unit (ERMU), and a newly established Internal Dosimetry Laboratory (IDL).
The HPC center is made up of a Senior Research Scientist, three (3) Research scientists, six (6) Assistant Research scientists, and (5) Technologists.
Activities of the Centre
The activities of the center are as follows:
Personnel Dosimetry laboratory
- Personnel monitoring for occupationally exposed workers in Ghana. This ensures the safety of all occupationally exposed workers with the documented occupational exposure history of its client.
Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory
- Calibration of environmental radiation protection equipment
- Survey meters
- Personal dosimeters
- Density gauges
- Contamination monitors
- Mud gauges
- Research facility for SNAS
Non-Ionizing Radiation Unit
- Safety assessment of Radiofrequency (RF) sources such as FM, TV and Mobile Base Station masts in our vicinities
- Laboratory testing of RF shield
- RF power measurements
- Measurement of light intensity
- UV-A, B and C Safety assessment
- Safety assessment of extremely low-frequency fields
Equipment repair and maintenance Unit
- Repair works on the Institute equipment
- Maintenance and cleaning
- Installation and update
- Purchase
Internal Dosimetry Laboratory
- Measurements of radionuclides in the whole body or specific organs
- Measurements of radionuclides in biological samples,
- Measurement of activity concentrations in air samples
Featured Publications
Agyeman, H.K., Nyarko, B.J.B., Shiloh, S., Adeku, F., Darko, E.O., Amoako, J.K., OwusuBanahene, J., Inkoom, S., Charles, D.F., Bekoe, B.D., Adukpo, O., Tetteh, G., Adjei, D.N.,
Agyeman, B.K., Manteaw, P., Amoatey, E., Aseidu, G.O., Gyasi, J., Appiah, P. Abadoo, E.M., Agyeman, G. (2020). Routine care and maintenance of Harshaw 6600 Plus (TLD) reader in the Personnel Dosimetry Laboratory in Radiation Protection Institute in Ghana. Int J At Nucl Phys 5:019
Agyeman, H.K., Nyarko, B.J.B., Adeku, F., Shiloh, S. Darko, E.O., Amoako, J.K., OwusuBanahene, J., Inkoom, S., Charles, D.F., Bekoe, B.D., Adukpo, K.O., Deatanyah, P., Agyeman, B.K., Manteaw, P., Amoatey, E., Aseidu, G.O., Adjei, D., Appiah, P., Abadoo, E.M. (2020). The upgrade of thermoluminescencent dosimeters (TLD) readers in the Personnel Dosimetry Laboratory in Radiation Protection in Ghana. Int J Signal Process Anal, 4:005
Agyeman, H.K., Darko, Amoako, J.K., Owusu-Banahene, J., Inkoom, S., Charles, D.F., Bekoe, B.D., Deatanyah, P., Agyeman, B.K., Manteaw, P., Amoatey, E., Gyasi, E., Aseidu, G.O., Appiah, P., Abadoo, E.M. Agyeman, G. (2020). Varieties of thermoluminescent Dosimeters used in the Personnel Dosimetry Laboratory in Radiation Protection Institute in Ghana. Int J At Nucl Phys, 5:018
H.K. Agyeman, B.J.B. Nyarko, S. Osae, F. Adeku, E.O. Darko, J.K. Amoako, J. Owusu Banahene, S. Inkoom, B.K. Agyeman, P. Manteaw, E. Amoatey, G.O. Aseidu, P. Appiah, B.D. Bekoe, D.F. Charles. Level of Practical Skills in Personnel Dosimetry Monitoring and the Laboratory Experience with Different Types of TLD Readers. International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology, 2019, 8, pp. 141-150. DOI: 10.4236/ijmpcero.2019.83013
A. R. Fuseini, J. K. Amoako and A. Twum: Analysis of electric field strengths and power densities of 4G LTE base stations in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. International Journal of Research in Science and Technology, (IJRST) 2019, Vol. No. 9, Issue No. III, Jul-Sep.