The Radiation Protection Institute (RPI) was constituted to provide scientific and technical support for the now-defunct Radiation Protection Board (RPB), which was established in 1993 by PNDC Law 308 as the national competent authority for the authorization and inspection of practices using radiation sources and radioactive materials in Ghana.
The RPI is now a Research and Technical Support Organization of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission. Its mandate is to work in the area of radiation protection to assist in the overall fulfilment of the vision and mission of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, The RPI collaborates with other stakeholders in shaping the national policy on radiation protection. The Institute has obtained the relevant authorization from the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) to undertake some technical services.
The RPI has been structured into five scientific/technical Centres namely; Health Physics Centre (HPC), Environmental Radiation Protection Centre (ERPC), Nuclear Safety and Security Centre (NSSC), Radioactive Waste Management Centre (RWMC) and Radiation Protection Training and Consultancy Centre (RPTCC) with well-defined activities and programmes. The RPI also has three Administrative departments; Accounts, Internal Audit and Administration.
The key functions of the Institute include
- Conduction of relevant scientific research
- Provision of technical services
- Conduction of training in radiation protection safety and security
- Provision of advice to relevant stakeholders on issues pertaining to radiation exposure
Vision statement
Our vision is to be recognized both nationally and internationally as the leading Ghanaian research and service institution for the protection against ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and the safety, and security of radioactive materials and nuclear installations.
Mission statement
Our mission is to provide an effective national scientific and technical framework for the protection of people, property, and the environment against any adverse effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and the safety and security of radioactive materials and nuclear installations
Core values
The core values of the Institute are: Integrity, Innovation, Excellence, Commitment, Staff development, Team work, Client focus, Confidentiality
The Radiation Protection Institute was established as an Institute of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission. Its mandate is to work in the area of Radiation Protection to assist in the overall fulfillment of the vision and mission of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission.
The Institute is to collaborate with other stakeholders in the shaping of national policy on radiation protection.
Business definition background
The replacement of the Atomic Energy Act 204 of 1963 with the Atom- ic Energy Act 588 of 2000 enables the Radiation Protection Institute (RPI) to commercialize some of its functions. The general functions of the RPI include the following:
- Advise the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) on matters relating to radiation protection, safety, and management of radioactive waste materials.
- Initiate and draw up protection and security strategies in the field of radiation protection and safety.
- Harmonize the interests of state agencies concerned with radiation and the peaceful utilization of its technology for national development.
- Collaborate with relevant educational and research institutions for the purposes of carrying out research in the areas of radiation protection, safety, and security-related technologies.
- Develop human resource(s) in the fields of radiation science, technology, and their peaceful utilization.
- Develop human resource(s) in the fields of radiation science, technology, and their peaceful utilization.
- Conduct research and developmental activities as well as the carrying out of publications and dissemination of research findings and other relevant technical information
- Conduct safety assessments on facilities that utilize nuclear and/or radiation technology in their operations
- To provide education and training in radiation and nuclear-related fields